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Climate and Geography

Ear Falls lies within the English River climatic region of Ontario. Winters can be long and very cold, while the summer months are quite warm. The climate of Northern Ontario can be classified as continental in the winter and maritime in the summer.

The English River region experiences long winters with extreme temperatures and low precipitation. The average winter snowfall is 204 cm and the snow typically lasts from the beginning of November nearly until the end of April.

Summer is warm and short with moderate precipitation. The average precipitation from May to October is 38 cm with approximately 7 cm of precipitation per month during July, August and September. The average length of growing time is around 160 days.

Ear Falls has a population of approximately 1,000 residents and lies on Highway 105 between Vermillion Bay and Red Lake.

The township is located on the west shore of Lac Seul at the English River Crossing, about 480 kilometres North West of Thunder Bay. The town is located 98 kilometres from the Trans Canada Highway.

The Patricia Region is found in the Boreal Forest Region. Characteristically this section of the Boreal Forest is dominated by extensive stands of black spruce, which cover gently rising uplands, lowland flats and broad river valleys. In lower areas, tamarack, spruce and cedar are present. In higher, drier locations, trembling aspen, balsam, poplar, balsam fir, white spruce and jack pine are found.

Ear Falls and the Patricia Region are located on the Precambrian Shield. The Southern part of the Ear Falls area is underlain by migmatitic and granitoid rocks of the English River subprovince, while the Northern part of the area is underlain by metavolcanics, metasediments, and mafic to felsic intrusive rocks of the Uchi Subprovince. Both are subdivisions of the Superior Province of the Canadian Shield.

This bedrock is for the most part buried under glacial debris, due to the presence of glacial Lake Agassiz, and the glaciers themselves which have overlaid the Precambrian Shield with water, worked tills and latchstring material. Occasionally eskers and outwash plains are also to be found. Drainage in the region is imperfect and has resulted in a disoriented drainage system with numerous lakes and rivers being present.